Version 1.1.2 of Simple Fields is out now. It features…
Date and Time picker, a new field type
I know there already is date picker built into Simple Fields, but this version is better/will be better:
- You can choose to have a date picker, time picker, or a picker with both date and time.
- The saved values are stored in ISO 8601-format in the database, so it should be no problems to sort posts when using for example WP_Query.
- Written completely using the Field Extension API, so it will be much easier to update (mostly something that good for me as the developer 🙂
Please give the new field type a try and help me find any remaining bugs.
…and it’s faster, better, stronger too!
Well, kinda. The latest version also bring some other things that may be worth mentioning:
- I’ve addded the action “simple_fields_admin_head” that you can use to add content to the head of admin pages that use simple fields (i.e. the edit post screen). This action is better than admin_head because it’s only fired on pages that use simple fields, so all other admin pages will be faster since they don’t have to parse any unnecessary.
- Also added action “simple_fields_enqueue_scripts”. Works the same way as the previous mentioned action, but is used to enqueue scripts.
- Some GUI changes have been made, like moving the description to below the labels on edit post screen. It was to inconsistent to have the description at different places for different field types.
- To make your WordPress a bit faster (or .. hrm… less slow) from now on Simple FIelds will only load it’s styles and scripts on screens that actually use Simple Fields. This should really speed up other parts of WordPress a little bit.
See the changelog for a complete list of changes.