Select one option from several radio buttons.
Return value
The internal identifier for the selected field. This is a string that does not change if even you change to names or the order of the radio buttons.
Extended Return Values
Returns an array with useful information:
// Field slug is "radiobuttonsExample"
// Returned value does not say anything about the order of the radio buttons.
// You have to print the values before knowing what value each radio button has.
// It's wierd. But it's done like that so you can change the order of the buttons
// and the names of the buttons without having to change your code.
$selected_value = simple_fields_value('radiobuttonsExample');
if ($selected_value == "radiobutton_num_3") {
echo "You selected button two";
Output of above
You selected button two
Adding a field group with radiobuttons using PHP code
array (
'name' => 'Radiobuttons example',
'fields' => array(
'slug' => "my_radiobuttons",
'name' => 'Select yes or no',
'type' => 'radiobuttons',
'options' => array(
"values" => array(
"num" => 0,
"value" => "Yes",
"checked" => true,
"num" => 1,
"value" => "No"
"num" => 2,
"value" => "Maybe"